Professionally, Since 2003 I Have...
- Created more than two dozen company and product launches that generated millions of dollars for clients.
- Designed more than a dozen Independent Sales Rep recruiting systems.
- Written hundreds of direct response sales letters which have generated clients millions of dollars.
- Reached the rank of #1 recruiter in 6+ companies.
- Designed and wrote copy for well over 100 websites.
- Became a #1 Amazon best-selling author under different personas a couple of times.
- Wrote 100% of the copy, created websites, landing pages, and created all the marketing for a start-up company that went from zero to over $1 billion dollars in submitted loans in 3 years - and still growing.
Areas of expertise: Copywriting. Start-up Launch. Social Media Marketing. SEO. Email Marketing. Marketing Funnel Creation. Website Development. Graphic Design. Company Launches. Project Management. Product Development. Branding. Facebook Marketing. Back Office Development. Video Scripting. Membership Websites. WordPress. Video Editing. Idea Generation. Direct Mail. Content Development. Content Calendar Management. Blogging. Product Launches. Amazon Product Listings. Lead Generation. Viral Marketing. Video Production. Outsourcing. Niche Websites. Sales Funnels. Paid Marketing. Consulting. Recruiting. Book Marketing. Product & Company Naming. Seminar Marketing. Countless Software Programs — And Much More. Oh, did I mention putting together a pre-launch for a new product or business?
Always learning. Always skill stacking.

Personally I Am...
- A father to an amazing son who I'm extremely proud of. I work hard to be a great Dad as I had a great teacher.
- A student of personal development and growth since. I may have a slight addiction to buying books on Amazon and taking courses.
- Into living simply, meditation, mindfulness, watching Gaia, a fan of Dr. Joe Dispenza, MindValley, and many past teachers of knowledge and consciousness. Enjoying the rabbit hole.
- Constantly battling the vortex. I prefer to live a private life and dislike attention or public recognition. However, my main business is under my own name and have to market myself. The struggle is real. :^)

“The journey I have been on has led me down some dark paths in the woods. But thanks to my mindfulness and wisdom gained through life’s powerful lessons, I emerged a much stronger cat than I ever was.” – Rkyo